Plywood Camping drawer unit made by Robert F. Winne
(he used to take this on camping trips to Cape Cod to store matches, writing utensils, swimming goggles, mini flashlights, et al)
repainted by Lise Winne (his daughter) to help her through the grieving process of losing her dad (or Dood, as he was called by his children and grandchildren)
This drawer unit is in use in Lise Winne's studio
Each drawer has art supplies in it at the moment to help Lise get inspired and to help her feel that her inspirations come through her father
I was responding to a friend on Facebook who was going through a soul crushing experience with grief at losing the love of her life.
This was my advice: What I do in dealing with the grief is wear his shirts (been wearing them since he passed away), reading his "I love you" notes to me, reading some of the many papers he left behind, contemplating how he would view an experience (which happens to be most of the time), researching subjects thoroughly (which he also liked to do), painting commemorative pieces (which this drawer unit is just one example), trying to live by his example, trying to love others the way he had loved me, thinking about him in challenging situations and what kind of guidance he would give me. When I feel like I can't live without him, I just don't: I live with him in my mind and spirit, even through mundane life experiences, and particularly while I am creating art.